Hi there. Things here have been busy as usual. I had a showing this weekend, plus my hubby was home, so I got very little done except running around. I did not sell anything, on Saturday or Sunday, so I had to go back yesterday and take everything down and pack it up. Dragging all my paintings around is alot of work. Then I met my hubby for lunch, since our son actually went to school...that makes two days "in a row" tho' Friday and Monday are only in a row as far as school days go...lol. Then my phone locked up and I could not use it.
So after lunch, I went to the local Cingular/now AT&T store. I got so mad at a lady who worked there, I wanted to crawl over the counter after her. For some reason, they could not do anything there to fix it, or replace it; or anything helpful. I explained that I had a special needs son, and I need to have my phone all the time because of him. I asked for help and got told that I could either file an insurance claim, ask them to mail me a new one, or I could buy another phone. She did have one other suggestion, which was that, while I was waiting for them to mail me a new phone, I could go to WalMart and buy a go phone, and put the battery and sim card in it. When I suggested that I did not feel I should have to spend MORE money, considering what I spent on the locked up phone last year, she told me a bunch of worthless information: she said if I did not want to spend money on a cheap go phone, that I could use an old one at home...that all the batteries and sim cards in all of the old phones were identical, and I should just use one of my old phones and replace the old sim card and battery with the sim card and battery from the locked up phone....right....not true. When I went home, EVERYTHING in the other phones was an assortment of different sizes...and none of them the same as my razor. What a waste. The store here is totally worthless; it is not the first problems we have had with this store. I liked Cingular, and in any other city, I never had a problem; as far as AT&T go...only time will tell. However, the management at this store in town, well to say it needs changed is putting it mildly!
Then I came home and boy was my temper out of control. The only thing I can think of, is that I had a hormone surge. Even tho' I am in menopause, from what I understand, that lasts awhile...so that I am not considered done with it. It felt like the worst case of PMS about 100 times squared...lol. Not too much fun for anyone in the family. Normally, the only thing they have to worry about is my depression, not my anger. I did not like it. I hope it is not something that will happen very ofen.
Today has been a bit better; he did not go to school because he had a sinus headache. He just slept all day. Plus his caregiver came for a few hours this afternoon and evening. He is in bed now, so I have just a few minutes before heading to bed myself.
I wrote this poem awhile ago..but it certainly describes how I felt.
Started, sudden, now begun:
pounding, erratic noise -
my head, my heart, the world -
thunder rolls, lightning strikes;
flashing, beating sound -
my head, my heart, the world -
pain strikes, tears roll;
tearing, ripping vibration -
my head, my heart, the world -
thunder's pain, lightening's tears;
shrieking, echoing din -
my head, my heart, the world -
pain's thunder, tear's lightening;
forcing, rumbling peals -
my head, my heart, the world -
rolling strikes, striking rolls;
straining, toneless racket -
my head, my heart, the world -
tearing pain, paining tears;
praying, pleading echoes -
my head, my heart, the world -
rolling tears, thundering pain;
finished, over, done and gone.
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