Friday, June 20, 2008

Filling the void...or what happened to all my free time...

I thought I would have more time to paint, with my son in respite care; however, that does not seem to be the case. I suppose that is how things usually go. If there is a hole, something will fill it; and I had a hole in my time consumption, and things have filled it. I have been doing alot of yard work, because the grass refuses to quit growing; in fact with all the rain this spring, it is growing like crazy. I also have been doing some work for a friend, and that has used up some more time. With my dad in and out of the hospital, there has been alot of stress to deal with as well...not that I have not been painting, just not quite as much as I had hoped.

I wanted to show you the updates on the two I showed you last time, as well as go back a bit to the chronological progression of my work.

I finished the painting of the old hotel in Water Valley, and also the scene of them loading watermelons onto a train in Water Valley.

I have shown you one of the challenges, but in between those, I look for photos, and scenes to paint. There are a number of places to get royalty free photos to paint, and I am always on the lookout for scenes that capture my interest. One of the plant ones, where they are growing out of an old log is one that I found. Here are some more....

This one is a simple ocean scene where the sunset on the waters and glinting in the pools of water on the shore intrigued me.

The next one was a crane or heron or egret walking on the beach at low tide, looking for dinner, with the sandpipers playing nearby....

This one sold, before it had even left my easel, to a good friend.

The next one was a canyon, quiet and peaceful in the afternoon sun, as a storm seemed to be blowing in...

Well, I have a busy day and yard work...yuk!! But as in all things, it has to be done. Till next time, have a great day!

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